Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, July 18, 2010

18 weeks and counting!

Next Monday, July 26th, is the big day! We get to find out if baby is a boy or a girl! We can't wait to find out. Last doctors appointment was just a check up and everything went great. Dr. Brown said the heart beat was about 150, a little higher than our last appointment. But Zach was there to hear the heartbeat, which was exciting. He also said I was measuring a little farther along than we thought, but we will check that out at our next ultrasound.
Zach and I went on vacation last week, which was very nice and relaxing. We visited with his uncle in Connecticut and his other uncle in Long Island. It was a good little get away. We enjoyed spending the time together. Here are just a few pictures from the trip! btw- my belly is growing as you can start to see in the pictures!

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