Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, August 9, 2010

20 Week Ultrasound Pics!

I finally got around to posting my baby boys 20 week ultrasound pictures. I also had another appointment today, which went well. His heart beat was great and Dr. Brown said I was measuring exactly where/ how I should be. I have another appointment the first week of September, I can't wait to see how baby is growing. Zach and I have been busy trying to get everything ready for baby to come. We registered at Babies R Us and that was exciting. Zach picked out cute little jumpsuits for his future athlete. Zach and I are both getting ready to move to Bloomington on the 20th of this month. I'm going to stay up there for a few months until baby comes. A lot of exciting things are going on for us, we are more than half way there! Can't wait to meet our baby boy.

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